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Well-suited wanderers

Travelling with someone new can be extremely challenging; there are a myriad of things that can just go wrong. From a slow paced walker to an uncouth gawker, it’s the little things that can end up driving you crazy. Like the people who keep walking when you’re attending to a blister, or insist on lining up for an overpriced souvenir shop; those sightseeing faux pas that foil your fun. You’re already in a heightened emotional state, dealing with culture shock, jet lag and lack of sleep - the smallest thing can test your patience, which btw is paper thin.

Ollie and I had our first experience travelling together in November last year, we went to Japan for my birthday. Turns out we’re pretty good travel buddies, we have a good rhythm. Our tummies are in tune; we get hangry around the same time and don’t faff about finding the much needed food. We know the difference between I need a toilet, and I really fucking need a toilet. We appreciate each other’s wants; I let him explore the tech stores of Akihabara and he let me pet the mew pelts in the cat café for way too long….I was missing Max OK.

However, we did find we were quite different regarding schedules and planning. Ollie turns into beast mode when he’s on vacation; from someone who would happily sit and play Warcraft for hours on end to a crazed all-about-activities man. He would drag me out and about sightseeing, traversing unfamiliar territory. It was fun and fantastic, and I appreciated his enthusiasm. Except that one time he hauled me across Kyoto, in torrential rain, to a kid filled Aquarium – I had an allergic reaction en route and projectile vomited in the street. The seals were pretty cute though.

I’m a bit more lax when it comes to planning. I’m happy to sit in a bar, on a beach, in a restaurant and just talk to the locals. People are my passion. I’m less fussed about landmarks and don’t really need an activity per se. One of my fondest memories of Tokyo, was the night Ol and I went to the Golden Gai, and spent the night talking to a man who spoke no English. I exhausted my Japanese vocabulary, shouting any word I knew from tanjoubi (birthday) to neko (cat). He would respond; sometimes in Japanese, sometimes in English, sometimes with pictures, sometimes with gesture. We shared an excitable exchange which has stuck with me.

Ollie plans all of our holidays in great detail without much input from me. He sends me complicated spreadsheets listing our activities, destinations, and finances, he makes all the bookings and I just transfer the cash required. I know it sounds like I treat my boyfriend like a glorified travel agent (sorry bae), but for those of you who know Ollie know he researches the shit out of things and likes to plan. I trust his taste, and I am truly grateful for all his organisation. I like going to the interesting destinations he picks; he’s usually researched the specific landmark or area thoroughly and can give me historical context, background information and Rachel skewed facts. And I know he likes I can strike up conversation with anyone and get the local’s insight, or free drinks at the very least. I think it's good to have this balance, a planner and a free spirit. I’m really looking forward to our trip to Thailand in a couple of weeks, even though I still don’t know exactly where we’re going.

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