Ah so, I’ve been on a bit of a writing hiatus. Kind of unwillingly, life has got in the way. I’ve been searching for a new job which I can only liken to a hamster stumbling along on a forever spinning running wheel. I feel like I’ve been on a series of bad dates with a perpetual pussy tease, I’ve been giving my all and getting nothing in return. Shit is tough out there at the moment. I’ve done all types of tasks, tests and interviews; all the while feeling like I have my heart firmly stitched to my sleeve, bearing my soul to complete strangers. I’m constantly being judged, measured against my peers, pricked and prodded, and I’m just not good enough.
Being constantly rejected and feeling inadequate can take its toll; I’ve felt flat, exhausted and my midweek wine intake has certainly spiked. It’s also forced me into some serious introspective soul searching. I’ve been scrutinising my life choices especially with regards to uni. Not to say that I didn’t value the whole experience, I certainly don’t regret it. I just feel like maybe I placed too much importance on it. I thought I’d graduate uni, land my dream job and be raking in the big bucks by the time I was 30. Instead I feel like I’ve finished my degree and now I’m flailing about, struggling to differentiate myself in a sea of twenty somethings all with a BA in Comms and that wanky creative flair.
So I’ve decided to give it a break for a while and be kind to myself. Which means peeps be gettin' a lot more of my puppy faced snap chats and my self-indulgent writing.
I’m not sure if that’s a good thing....